I am sure he did not use the exact same words because if he did we would be speaking Hebrew and Greek. He has already shown us that he does not use the exact same words in translations by quoting his OT Hebrew into NT Greek. Why are you folks denying that?
Your question would be based on a false misrepresentation and distortion since what you assert has not been at all denied.
It has already been clearly noted that the translating of OT passages into NT Greek was part of the giving of the New Testament by inspiration of God to the apostles and NT prophets. Accepting the wisdom of God in how He chose to give and preserve His words does not mean that the original-language words cannot be translated into other languages. It has not been at all argued that it was wrong for the Scriptures to be translated into German, English, Spanish, and other languages. The word of God had been translated into English many years before 1611.
What would be wrong would be any attempt to make the post-NT uninspired translated words a greater authority than the preserved Scriptures in the original languages. You have failed to demonstrate that the Scriptures teach or support your human KJV-only reasoning/teaching.