Those who bring up the Christopher Lane story and the WW2 vet are not wanting to make race an issue. What we are doing is showing the hypocrisy of the racebaiters for not doing it. It reveals their inconsistency and their agenda. Which is exactly what guys like Rush, Hannity, and Orielly do.
ANd those of you who continue to cry racebaiter are no different from the folks you point out for always crying race.
You think you're revealing their inconsistency and their agenda, and one of the reasons they cry race is because of what they believe to be inconsistency in treatment and an agenda.
Where's the difference?
Obama's side cries race.
Sean Hannity, Matt Drudge, Rush Limbaugh and a lot of the conservative outlets cry racebaiter as do the people who read from or listen to their shows/material.
You guys feel justified in crying race baiter because you think it shows their inconsistency and agenda. They feel justified in crying race becaue they think it points out your inconsistency and agenda.
And if you cannot tell the difference then you are part of their agenda. You tell on yourself.
:laugh: I don't care about their agenda or yours for that matter. My agenda comes from Jesus Christ and it's called the Great Commission. If you're not preaching about Jesus Christ as though he's the most important thing in your life, then you're repaching as though something elseon your agenda is.
And I must say that Obama and politics has consumed the lot of you. It's made some of you into some nasty, vile people, who. if you know Jesus, no one would know because all you ever do is complain about racebaiters and Obama did this or Obama did that.