Anyone have opinions of them?
They are another attempt to recreate or emulate the NT churches. While admirable in ways, I think they also fail in ways. Here is the website of one denomination:
American Baptist Association
I do not need to spend the time to write to you but because the love for the truth do I need to share it with you.
Landmark Baptist doctrine claims apostolic succession of the "baptist (or anabaptist)" faith as they co-existed with Catholicism but separated from them and use "ites" or "ians" or "ens" as suffixes to distinguish their separation from Catholicism. For example, Waldensians as Landmark Baptist would claim to be a form of the earlier "anabaptist" group.
Landmark Baptist based their doctrine of co-existence but separated from Catholicism is based on a few very flawed assumptions:
1) God's true church cannot be "corrupt" (as Catholicism has a long history of spiritual and material corruption through prayer beads, inquisition and sales of indulgence).
If that assumption was true, then the seven churches Christ oversee and advised in Revelation would be inaccurate because even the corrupted churches in Revelation 2 and 3 did Christ saw and sent warnings.
A) Waldensians later merged with the Methodist (see
Waldensians - Wikipedia ) in 1975.
A1) Methodist are not firm with the position of against same gender marriage and LGBT as an abomination (see
Will views on same-sex marriage split one of America's largest Protestant religions? ) as that denomination is divided on such issue.
A2) Methodist also ordain females into the clergy and pastoral positions.
B) God's church cannot be corrupted. But OT clearly shows after Joshua, corruption became blatant and glaring. God did not abandon His covenant with the seed of Abraham despite the continuous and increasingly lack of faith and spiritual adultery of the Jews.
"Catholicism" had a decent beginning as evident through the Counsel of Nicea and First Council of Constantinople. Those two early Council was invoked and guided by the holy spirit to identify and separate the Aranian and other denomination heresies that was growing in areas as Egypt.
When Landmark Baptist claims separation from early Catholic counsil is to claim that they are in alignment with the heretic teachings as Aranian which did not believe in the trinity doctrine as mainstream churches believe it today. There were variations of heresies throughout mankind that claimed Christ to be a "created or generated" creature and never co-existed with the Father and other strange thinkings.
The First Council of Constantinople established in writing the divinity of the holy spirit in 381 AD.
More importantly, Landmark Baptist is self-centered rather than God centered as they, like the Jehovah's Witnesses, tries to look for flaws in established clergy and boast on their denomination and lacks trust in the holy spirit that teaches and warns churches about what is going on that God does not approve about. The holy spirit and Christ gave Emperor Constantine a dream about Christ purchasing the sin of mankind with his righteousness for our unrighteousness. Constantine became a convert after that because God saw Constantine the proper vehicle to end persecution AND to deliver the gospel throughout the world efficiently and effectively AND to declare some Christian sects as dangerous heresies. IF "anabaptists" was co-existed while being separated from the early Catholic counsels then it only shows that "anabaptists" was the heretics in the eyes of early Catholic Counsels. However, Baptist group's version of trinity is consistent with catholic's view more than the declared heretics of early Catholicism.
The Landmark Baptist doctrine is dangerous and possibly a blasphemy against the holy spirit because it makes the assumption or accusation that the holy spirit cannot work through the early Catholic councils. The Watchtower Society does not make such apostolic succession as the Landmark Baptist but they make the same claim of Landmark Baptist that the holy spirit cannot or did not or cannot work through the early catholic councils.
2) ANABAPTIST means to "baptize again". That is a claim that is to be distinguished from Catholic's infant baptismal practice. There is the false assumption that to "re-baptize" was not a practice of Catholic faith. However, early Catholic councils shows that an ex-communicated or exiled heretic was required to be re-baptized to be accepted to their church membership as they taught membership of the church was required for salvation (something I do not totally agree upon).
3) If Anabaptist and Baptist were separated from Catholic from the beginning, then why does Baptist also celebrate "Christmas". Please remember that Christmas has the suffix of mas or mass, which is a catholic term. Jesus never commanded His disciples or apostles to remember His birth but did command us to remember His death. Now, Revelation 11:1-2 shows that we are commanded to measure God's temple. Measuring God's temple has exact measurement, not more and not less. If you measure beyond the temple's exactness then you are going into the unbelieving gentiles' courtyard, something that verse 2 warned against. Celebration of Christ's birth is adding to the word.
Historical evidence shows that Christmas was not celebrated by the early churches and did not become more of an established event until the fifth century.
B) I spent lot of money and time to buy and read the early church councils to read what was true and see how the holy spirit was working through the early Church councils. I diligently prayed to God through Christ as mediator to not to deceive myself or let anyone deceive me since age 15. But my stubborn attitude was I slow to hear Christ voice and readjust my flawed thinking on following many false doctrines by preachers and pastors throughout my life. Sadly, Bethel Baptist chruch (El Sobrante California) and many other alike offers many variation of damnable heresies as Landmark Baptist doctrine