Pastor John MacArthur in his book The Jesus You Cant Ignore says this about the Fundamentalist movement. They are indeed close to the religion of the scribes and Pharisees. But John never says that IFB are preaching another gospel.
I don't think that they are preaching another gospel... I just think that all the externals TO the gospel are an issue that has gravitated to the same sort of Pharisaical practice of the Jews of Jerusalem, who also had the Word of God in hand from which to work with an authentic message from God for His people.
One way that I like to think about this sort of stuff is, "Are we preaching LIFE or are we preaching death." It is possible to preach both using the same word.
Which is it that Jesus is for? (John 3: 16-20 holds the answer!)
About the woman issue?
God gave me a vision/dream one night when I was around 12. I was not walking closely with Him at the time, and though a church-goer (when I had to) I was also not saved. That vision has never left my mind! I saw, and fell deeply in love with, a short blond girl with certain characteristics. I dated just about every short blond under the sun looking for that dream love but never found her. Until one day, that is... I didn't even know it.
I hustled her little sister (she lied about her age) at the local carnival and rode my bike to her house one day (I was 15). There, I met her SISTER, now my bride for almost 34 years! I loved her fully and completely from the moment I "saw" her. We rode the bus together for a year and I even tossed her shoes out the bus window one night 'cause she was a smarty-mouthed girl, but I never "saw" her. When I "saw" her, I was lost in love. I knew she was the girl I would marry and I worked to that end.
Our first official date was homecoming. She was 14, I had turned 16. I gave her a diamond for her 16th birthday, her family (and mine!) was shocked. We went through a rough time for about 6 months and we parted company, but I was drawn back to her and one night while taking her home from work (I got her a job as a friend) we ended up stuck in a major snow storm and spent the night in the car. We were back together, this time forever!
We were married the fall after she graduated high school. Kathy was 18, I was just 20. Four years later, we had our first kiddo. No jobs, no insurance, living off the land (literally, no gas, no electric, and we hunted/gathered to eat!) and 2 years later our second son, who died during childbirth, again no job, no insurance, living off the land. A time of depression, and anger at God that caused us to turn atheist eventually (though we were still not saved anyway). Found a job, moved, built a house, had our third son (he will be married this August to his life-long sweetheart! we raised her in our own home while doing home-based daycare for 8 years) and life started to improve. Then came God! I was saved, and 2 years later my bride was saved. That saved not only our souls, but our marriage and our lives!
I'm not sure why God has been so good to me. I certainly never did the first thing to attract Him or earn His attention, but He has been SO GOOD. Apart from Jesus, my beautiful bride has been the single best gift I've ever been given, and I love her more than words, deeds, thoughts, or actions can express. She returns that love in ways that most men may never know, and a year or so ago, she told me that if given the chance, she preferred to spend the entire eternity together with me. That sort of love can't be bought or paid for. It is of God, and it is supernatural in scope. I am most blessed of all men!
How to find a woman like that? Just pick one, marry her, and LOVE her like Christ would love her if He were the one who married her.