It's nearly enough to make this Anglican swim the Tiber, Lori! But then I think of all the good, Godly men and women the Anglican Communion does have, particularly
Reform, of which I am a member and which is UK-based, and also the
Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans, which more reflects the views of Third World (the majority) Anglicans, to name but two.
The Tiber may be too cold this time of year, LOL!
The 'Presiding Heretic' Katherine-Jefforts Schori announced that the majority of the House of Bishops have now consented to the consecration of Mary Glasspool. As I mentioned before, I'm really surprised that this was announced before the meeting of the Global South. It will be very interesting to see what the moderates do at that meeting now that The Episcopal Church has made it clear they don't care about tearing the fabric of the Communion.
Both enough bishops and Standing Committees consented to the election of a practicing homosexual as a bishop in the Episcopal Church. This is the SECOND instance of a practice that is officially NOT sanctioned by the Anglican Communion world-wide. The Episcopal Church has been warned, and warned, and warned by leaders in the Anglican Communion, has been counseled, advised, and been called “out of Communion” with at least 12 of the 38 Anglican primates. Others have initiated “impaired communion” because of the FIRST instance of the majority acceptance of a practicing homosexual in the position of bishop. Do TEC leaders really believe there will be no further action? Do they really believe the leaders of the rest of the communion are as dishonorable as they are? This is a tragic event, but it is confirmation that the direction those of us who LEFT TEC is correct, at least, for us. The Global South meets in May. Do they think there will be no memory of this March anti-Christian action on the part of the MAJORITY of the bishops in TEC? I pray for the SOULS of those bishops. They have moved against the Word of the Lord.
Whenever +++Rowan Williams issues his useless statements, those who would defend him point to the deficiencies in the communion's governing structure as if to say, "Well what do you expect? What do you want him to say? He can't decree that thus-and-such be done; he doesn't have the authority!" That may be true, but it doesn't relieve Williams of the responsibility to make clear what he thinks should happen. His response to Glaspools consents is only available upon request! It is not on his official website.
The Anglican Diocese of San Joaquin (where I live) is an orthodox diocese with a courageous bishop, John-David Schofield. Of course, the Episcopal Church is suing the diocese, individual parishes, and vestry members as a result of the split from the national church. Isn't there something in I Cor. 6:7 about that?
I have friends in the Episcopal Church that are 'stayin 'til the last lifeboat leaves' and I do commend them. I do pray for them as they have not got an 'easy row to hoe'. I am very glad that there are still faithful Anglicans within Reform and The Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans. I recognize Anglicans as a branch of Christ One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.