Your entire solution is to duck the details that OSAS needs to be avoided.
I have ducked nothing and answered everything.
Your problem is that you don't like my answers.
Your second problem is that you avoid details and don't answer the question that are posed to you.
You never addressed these 3 details..
They have been addressed. You can find the answers if you so desire. I am not going to address them again as I have so stated. Your flippant answer and mocking of Scripture I will not tolerate, so I refuse to answer your questions a second time no matter how many times you post them. Search the threads if you want those answers.
I continue to insist that Matt 18 and Matt 6 were written by God and not me.
How profound!!
That does not give you a pass to heaven, nor does it give you a get-out-of-jail free card, when it comes to answering the questions asked of others. People can see through that ploy.
I continue to insist that your tactic of avoiding the details of the Bible in Matt 18 and Matt 6 "as if that is working" - is not as compelling as you seem to have at first imagined.
I have answered them all. I am not answering them again. You have an attitude problem.
I continue to insist that blaming me for what you read in the Bible "is not working" --
Your interpretation of the Bible does not work. It does not harmonize with the rest of Scripture, as I have shown you many times, and as Steaver has shown you.
I am asking you to respond to the details IN the text.
1. First this one -- where we see an ALREADY FULLY Forgiven servant expected to forgive AS HE WAS TRULY forgiven.
[FONT="]32 ""Then summoning him, his lord said to him, "You wicked slave, I forgave you all that debt because you pleaded with me.[/FONT]
[FONT="]33 " Should you not also have had mercy on your fellow slave, in the same way that I had mercy on you?'[/FONT]
Asked and answered. Look for it. I am not answering it again.
Why do you want answers you do not want to hear?
Where we see forgiveness revoked - full debt returned.
[FONT="]34 ""And his lord, moved with anger, handed him over to the torturers until he should repay all that was owed him.
[/FONT][FONT="]Asked and answered.
Why do you want answers you do not want to hear?
If you want the answer search for it.
Where Christ applies the lesson to His listeners.
[FONT="]35 "" My heavenly Father will also do the same to you, if each of you does not forgive his brother from your heart.'' [/FONT]
Asked and answered.
Why do you want answers you do not want to hear?
So yes that would be "Sola scriptura" testing of your man-made tradition if you can actually address "the Bible details".
I teach the Scriptures; you teach heresy. Now what did you say about "tradition"?
So far I think we all agree that ducking them does not count as addressing them.
Yes, most of the board will agree who is ducking the questions. Ask them.
Well then I have good news for you - you have not answered them and you are still not doing it - in creative post after creative post.
Whether you call it creative or not is not relative. My questions arise out of Scripture. Answers like this demonstrate your inability to answer Scripture.
Sadly to make that case you would need to address the 3 questions and stay focused on the details they are exposing in the text.
They have already been answered. It is time to move on.
And of course you have already given your "solution" regarding that request.
I have given you all the answers you need. Your basic need is repentance.
Nothing in Gal 2 says that Peter ever said anything negative to Paul -- so you make it up.
Read the account again. Paul rebuked Peter ("withstood him to the face").
There was no apology forthcoming from Peter; no "I am sorry," no, "I ask your forgiveness for my wrongdoing." Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles would expect that from the hypocrisy of Peter, wouldn't he? Peter had offended him by his actions.
What did Peter ask Jesus?
How many times shall I forgive my brother, Lord, seven times?
But the forgiveness is not recorded here, is it?
OSAS (like calvinism) only survives in "invention and inference" as you seem to be doing it in your post above.
That lame statement is only a statement by one who doesn't like to discuss the Word of God.
Paul has not offended Peter in Gal 2 and Peter has said nothing negative about Paul in Gal 2 nor has Peter claimed that Paul has offended him.
No, Peter offended Paul by his actions. Peter needs to ask Paul for forgiveness because Peter acted in hypocrisy and offended his brother, something Jesus taught him that he should do "seventy times seven" in a day. Peter was rebuked by Paul.
Or are you saying Paul was wrong by rebuking Peter because Peter offended him, and simply just should have forgiven him. I don't think so.
So... you make it up in service to OSAS -- why do that?
I didn't make anything up. I am not defending any doctrine. You can't see that yet. I am showing you how your doctrine is false and does not fit with the rest of Scripture. It actually condemns the apostles.
No wonder you do not want those texts quoted in response to this twist trying to get ME to be the source of the statements in Matt 18, and Matt 6.
I have answered them. You can find the answers. I am not going to answer them again. You have an attitude problem.
Why do you want me to post answers you don't want to hear?