So now you have to go to college for the Holy Spirit to teach you?
Here is what the Holy Spirit teaches:
Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
--Greek is not among them.
Yes, you must go to college in order to learn Greek. By your postings I know you don't have the intelligence of a William Carey or a Charles Spurgeon, so one must go to college, learn the language, and not post in ignorance.
In 1 Timothy 2:11-12 Paul wrote that the women were not to "upsup authority over the man" (kjv). The Greek word for "usurp" is authenteo and means, "to act upon your own, or to dominate over."
Let's see what Matthew Poole says about, an English nonconformist theologian of the mid-17th century.
1 Timothy 2:11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
Ver. 11. That is, in the public assemblies for worship, it is the woman's part silently to learn, showing thereby a subjection to the man, who is the head of the woman.
1 Timothy 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
Ver. 12. But I suffer not a woman to teach; not to teach in the public congregation, except she be a prophetess, endued with extraordinary gifts of the Spirit, as Mary, and Anna, and Huldah, and Deborah, and some women in the primitive church, concerning whom we read,
1Co 11:5, that they prophesied.
Nor to usurp authority over the man: ordinary teaching of the woman was a usurpation of authority over the man, who is the head, which the apostle also forbade in
1Co 11:3, and here repeateth. It is probable that the speaking of some women in the church who had extraordinary revelations, imboldened others also to aim at the like, which the apostle here directs his speech against. Nevertheless women may, and it is their duty to instruct their children and families at home, especially in the absence of their husbands.
1 Timothy 2:13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
Ver. 13. The man had the priority of the woman in his creation, he was not made for her, but she was made for a help-mate mate for him; therefore she, being made for him, ought to usurp no authority over him.
That is what a noted theologian says, one that knew the original languages. I don't post in ignorance. I also have studied Greek. From my study in Greek, I know what you said about the word lelew (to speak) is completely false. The word is one of the most common and basic to the Greek language, and one cannot assign arbitrarily such mystical meanings as you have.
Concerning this passage in 1Tim.2:11-13, Poole does an excellent job of expounding the entire passage with clarity.
In 1 Cor. 14:28, if a person speaks outloud in tongues in a church sevice and no one interprets, then they are to "keep silence" (kjv).
If you interrupted me while I was preaching I would probably just ask you to leave--tongues or no tongues. How rude can you be!!
This Greek word is sigao and means, "to hold your peace and say nothing else." It is used when the multitude kept silent while Paul and Barnabas were speaking (Acts 15:12) and when Paul gave a speech before a group of men (Acts 21:40). In 1 cor. 14:34 Paul said for the women to keep silent, and he used this word, sigao--to say nothing--as they were desturbing the speaker by interupting. As the minister spoke, they were to listen and no ask at that time for explanations.
And yet it is directed only to women, and also in the context of tongues. That is significant. Women don't speak in tongues. (That is a command).
Women keep silence. (another command)
Women ask your husbands at home. (another command)
Women don't have authority over men.
Women don't teach men.
Fairly clear isn't it?