Winman, I need to check that I have your views correct.
You deny original sin - that all are born in sin, don't you?
Yes, I deny that men are born guilty of Adam's sin (Eze 18:20)
You deny that reconciliation (the meaning of atonement) is limited so then all (meaning everyone that has ever lived or will live) are saved (going to heaven), don't you?
I believe Jesus died for all men, but only those who believe on him are saved. I do not believe in Universalism whatsoever.
You claim that the Calvinistic thinking folks preach another gospel which is stating that they are preaching heretical views, don't you?
I believe that preaching Limited Atonement is another gospel. Paul preached that Jesus died for "our sins" according to the scriptures. Paul preached this to the Corinthians BEFORE they were saved, so "our sins" would apply to ALL men.
You claim that one can live without ever committing a sin or needing repentance based upon your understanding of Luke and other verses, don't you?
Well, a child that dies in the womb has not sinned, nor has a newborn or very young baby.
Yes and no. I do not believe God imputes sin to a child until he matures and understands right from wrong. Now, that child may have done wrong many times, but because he does not understand his actions, sin is not imputed to him and he is not a sinner. "Sinner" is a legal term like "felon".
For instance, a three year old might pick up his father's pistol and shoot his sister. Now, he has done something wrong, but no court would ever try to prosecute a child like this because he did not fully understand his actions. I believe God treats children the same way.
Now, as soon as a person matures and understands right from wrong, I believe absolutely 100% of these persons will willingly and knowingly sin. The one and only exception was Jesus Christ.
I just want to make sure that I haven't misunderstood your views.
I simply do not believe that God imputes the sin of Adam or any other person to another person. God holds a man accountable for his own actions. I also do not believe God holds a person accountable until they mature and understand their sin and obligation before God.
However, once a person matures I believe ALL men will sin without exception.
As for Limited Atonement, I believe that is complete error. I believe Jesus is the Saviour of all men, but especially those that believe.
1 Tim 4:10 For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men,
specially of those that believe.
This verse proves that Jesus died for all men, because it distinguishes between believers and non believers. It says Jesus is the Saviour of ALL MEN, but especially those that believe, proving that he is also the Saviour of those who do not believe, although only those that actually believe shall be saved.
I have given the analogy that I could buy every member at BB a ticket to the Super Bowl. I could post a thread that if any member here sends me their address, I will mail them two free tickets.
Those who believe me and send me their address will receive two free tickets.
Those who do not believe and do not send me their address will not receive two free tickets.
Does that mean I did not purchase tickets for all members? NO, I purchased ticket for all, but only those who believe receive the free gift.
Salvation is the same.
If Limited Atonement is true, then you have no way to know if Jesus died for you, and you have NOTHING to believe. You must have a promise to believe that promise.
If I did not promise everyone that I had bought them a ticket and would send it to them if they sent me their address, they would have no promise to believe, and no warrant to expect to receive free tickets.
Do you understand that?