I now have switched to a Ryrie Study Bible after saying years ago on this thread that it's note were too basic, which I now have totally changed my mind about.
I love the layout. The Ryrie has it's cross references in the outer margins rather than a center column and let me tell you it is very nice on the eyes and is very aesthetically pleasing. It also has wider margins and plenty of room for taking notes (Which Ryrie in the introduction encourages you to do.)
Ryrie's notes are not super in depth but they are often very helpful. I ignore him when he comments about textual issues and criticizes the KJV's readings such as the longer ending of Mark 16 and the comma in 1 John 5:7.
There are well written outlines for each book and the points and subpoints of the outline are found throughout the text which makes it easier to see and remember the progressions of each book, they also are well alliterated and could be helpful in preaching and teaching outlines.
Ryrie was evangelical, fundamental, and dispensational in his theology and his study bible has an excellent systematic theology outline. I suspect that the outline is the same outline Ryrie uses in his full length systematic theology, it is really helpful and has some really great thoughts and I am certain I will make use of it in future teaching and preaching. And Ryrie happens to view the requirements for salvation similar to myself (He rejects Lordship Salvation)
Some have aversions to study bible's but I truly am thankful for this gem that I have found and wish I had gotten one sooner. I highly recommend the Ryrie Study Bible for anyone wanting to study the word of God.