The reason so many have "targeted" Evan is becasue this is his "MO" constantly asking for advice -but not taking it.
That describes many of the posters here. Nothing wrong with asking people their views on something. And remember, this is a debate forum. I often start threads posed in questions, have my own views, and debate the views presented. A few you might remember are "Were Men Born Again Before Pentecost?" and "Who Populates the Millennial Kingdom."
I am not asking for advice, but seeking to discuss and debate the issues.
Secondly, is it often seen that after Thread Title questions are posed, within the course of the thread conclusions are drawn, so someone who might not be sure when asking the OP question may form an opinion (which could be based on a number of things, hopefully Scripture topping the list) and take a decisive position.
Some have surmised that he is only looking for people to agree with him.
Also describes many of the posters here.
The question is...why one person would be targeted.
We do NOT take pleasure in yanking his chain.
Well, I will admit I will not hesitate to yank chains, it becomes obvious with certain members that debate and discussion is not what they are here for, and the general course of action is to stop interacting with that member, not...continually hound them.
Step back, and wait until they grow up a little (if your opinion is that they are immature). But, since you mention the importance of discipleship, I will remind you that a good teacher teaches despite whether the student knows they are being taught or not.
And at the heart of making disciples and discipling is a sincere concern for the spiritual state of the individual God introduces us to.
We have simply tired of his complaining of his life situations in spite of NOT taking good solid Biblical advice.
First, who judges that "good Biblical advice" has been given? If the subject does not feel it is good advice, there is nothing you can do to change that.
Secondly, I see nothing good in constant harassment. That is only going to encourage the antagonist to do the same. We are saved, but we still have fallible tendencies, and it is just human nature to recompense evil with evil.
Third, Evan writes letters, which is another means of Evangelism, and here is the response...
How many such letters have you written
How many responses have you have from said letters?
Why would you be against writing letters? Is that much different than posting on this forum? Why not encourage him in this, what would it hurt?
As far as Street preaching - we are not against it!
That is not what I have seen in the past (and I am not speaking of you specifically, Salty). A general discouragement of something that takes quite a bit of courage, and an effort that is rare in the Body of Christ today.
Getting deja vu...because I have said all this before.
But Evans thinking is apparently is that if you are not street preaching you are not following
Mark 16:15.
Okay, if that be true, then that is on him, it has nothing to do with you, nor is it a reason for you not to hold up the Biblical example given us in Scripture for exhortation and edification...of the Body.
And he is a member, right?
Personally, I am glad to have such a brother, though we may not always agree, and if there is anything I can do to encourage him in his efforts I will do that.
Yet, he himself disregards Mat 28 :19-20 (Making disciples).
I hate to say it, Salty, but it seems you are not doing so well at that either, at least where he is concerned.
Evan has stated discipleship - is not his gift. That I can understand - but that is not an excuse to not even try.
Sometimes it is. Sometimes the most useful thing some members (of the Body of Christ, not this Forum) can do is to...keep their mouth shut, lol.
Sometimes when a novice (in any given area) seeks to do "the Will of God," their efforts are in the flesh and great harm can be the result. I have been guilty of that.
Over the years, I have heard many people say - " I do not have the gift of {fill in the blank}, but when I did attempt it the Lord has bless me!"
And I have heard people boast of what
they have done.
There is no cut and dry in regards to matters like these, and discretion is always going to be the better part of valor.
So NO - we are not jealous that we dont do street evangelism - many of us simply believe it is not that effective in this day and age as it has been in past decades.
Why would you think that. That astounds me.
Is it because Hollywood caricaturizes Street Evangelism with bums wearing signs that say "The End is Near!"?
Whatever area one is gifted in, it is just common sense that practice makes perfect, lol.
We have tried to show Evan - that other forms of Evangelism CAN be more effective- but apparently he will not even consider it.
And I would disagree with that: there is no singular most effective or "more effective" means of it a many faceted gem.
All Evangelism is dependent on the Comforter Who is the One Who takes what we say, what we write, and uses that truth in the process of enlightenment for both the natural man as well as the spiritual.
At first, I was surprised that several others have not posted here- but then I concluded that several of them have given up
And that is the proper course.
Don't take this wrong, but I view the consistent pattern as a result of both parties, and it will not stop until something changes. Those who have ceased to participate are doing the right thing, and if all did, then I guarantee there would be a change in the pattern, and who knows what the new pattern will be like? I say...give it a try.
could be that their heads still hurt from banging their heads constantly against the wall.
This assumes that they held the higher ground, and perhaps at times they did, but, if we incite someone constantly we are going to drive them into a habit of being on the defensive, and that is antithetical to growth, in my opinion.
I will say that more than once I would not view them to be be on higher ground, just trifling.
And I don't say all of this to anger you, or anyone else, just letting you know what I see.
God bless.