This was bound to happen, and some Catholics are upset that their Cardinal approved gays to participate in their parade.
The gays marched in the Rose Parade this year, so it should not surprise people when they spread their wings to even a religious parade.
I say, quit complaining, and have the Catholics apply to march in Gay Pride Parades. Don't get mad, get even :smilewinkgrin:
What say you regarding this group invading the sacred St. Pat Day parade in New York City?
The gays marched in the Rose Parade this year, so it should not surprise people when they spread their wings to even a religious parade.
I say, quit complaining, and have the Catholics apply to march in Gay Pride Parades. Don't get mad, get even :smilewinkgrin:
What say you regarding this group invading the sacred St. Pat Day parade in New York City?