New Member

I understand you liberals don't care.
John of Japan said:but having joint leadership, as in a business partnership, evangelistic or missions partnership (with an unbelieving liberal) and the like.
poncho said:With holding evidence or denying it exists to demonize someone or something we don't like is dishonest. Isn't that what we accuse liberals of doing all the time?
Revmitchell said:You should try owning one. If for no other reason just to tick off a liberal.
mont974x4 said:Long ago I learned that it doesn't matter how well reasoned an argument is you are very unlikely to sway a liberal.
Revmitchell said:This is the mind of a liberal. No rhyme or reason just emotion and thoughtless reaction.
Revmitchell said:liberal media bias
Revmitchell said:said Media Research President Brent Bozell. “If a Tea Partier had physically assaulted a liberal journalist or ripped down a structure occupied by a liberal organization all on video, the footage would be broadcast on an endless loop.
Revmitchell said:It is a victim mentality that only comes from a deranged liberal mind set. Liberalism is evil and a disease, and cancer on society that needs to be cut out and needs to be eradicated. We see that now more than ever.
Revmitchell said:Only in the twisted liberal world can truth be devoid of facts
Revmitchell said:I suppose when you are trying to prop up the lies of liberalism you need fantasy to help make you feel better.
Could someone define what you mean by the term "Liberal"?
It seems whenever there is a pet issue for someone on the forum that the term is brought out with an expectation that everyone will respond with gratuitious attacks on this mythical figure of derision.