hillclimber1 said:
These left wing bloggers are trying to effect a boycott against a news organization that tries to be "fair and balanced". When the Christian right is mobilized, it is to point out to various Co's that they are accepting advertising from sponsors, or espousing evil viewpoints that are contrary to scriptural teachings, which is harmful to society. FoMoCo was/is pandering to the homosexual community, and is deserving of reprimand. Fox news is the only major network that is trying not to be left wing, as so is reaping the wrath of the liberals.
The differences should be obvious to born again believers.
Once again, hillclimber, you are confusing politics and religion. Just because one is not a right winger doesn't make one not a Christian. Also, Fox News Channel is very much like George Bush's administration...they call evil, good, and get away with it way too much. Fair & Balanced is their slogan, but it doesn't make it so. They are run by Roger Ailes, GOP strategist, and are the de facto propaganda arm of the Bush Administration. They are about as fair and balanced as Pravda was during the Soviet Union; or as Granma is in Castro's Cuba. Their token liberal, Alan Colmes, is about as neutered as they come, and is just there to give the impression of being fair. It is apparent they have a leash on him, as he is much more openly progressive on his radio program than on H&C, where the ill-mannered Hannity tries to run roughshod over everyone, including his cohost.
That said, all news organizations are made up of people, with their own biases. However, a good news organization clearly tries to keep those biases out of reporting, saving them for the editorial pages.
As for Ford, they are a business. All kinds of people buy cars. Why should they not have targeted advertising to many different demographics & psychographics? That is smart business. Gay people buy cars too, so it is not surprising that cars will be marketed to them.