I am 80 years old. I was raised by an alcoholic grandfather. In my younger days, backslidden, I relished "boiler makers." My personal view now is that as consuming alcohal may offend some believers, I have avoided it for many years.
Possibly that motive should guide presidents of Christian schools as well.
Of course Jesus drank fermented wine*** ; then it was customary. Getting drunk with wine is another matter. (Eph 5:18)
Is drinking alcohal sinful? For me, yes. For you? Ask God and obey.
As for Liberty, in my view the quality of education is what counts, not whether its president drinks or went to a night club.
teaching credentials USD (English) and OSU (Handicapped Learner Education)
M.A. in Religion, Point Loma Nazarene
M. Div (equivalency) and Th.M. in Bible, Western Seminary
Th.D. in Systematic Theology, Unizul. dissertation on Christology
D. Min. in Theology and Apologetics in Progress, Corban Univ., thesis-project on Christology.
***we argue about whether our LORD drank fermented wine when our congregations remain ignorant on the deeper things of Christ's Person as whether He acts distinctly through each nature (contra Erickson) has two wills (contra Strong) , whether the divine nature shares qualities with the human (contra Hodge), whether Christ is eternally begotten by the Father receiving deity in that process (contra Reymond) ,whether He retained all divine powers when incarnating ( contra Evans), and whether He is eternally role subordinate to the Father (contra Crisp).