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Sen. Ted Cruz delivered the first official speech of his 2016 presidential campaign to over 10,000 students Monday during a convocation ceremony on Liberty University’s campus in Lynchburg, Va.
While it appeared Cruz gave his speech to a packed house, students at the Christian university were obligated to attend the event due to stipulations in their student conduct code.
All Liberty students are required to attend convocation on Monday, Wednesday and Friday or they face a $10 fine and four reprimands. To put that in perspective, though, possession of an R-rated movie on the campus will get a student 12 reprimands and a $50 fine. Involvement in witchcraft or other satanic activity gets 30 reprimands, a $500 fine, 30 hours of community service and possible expulsion.
Some students saw the forced attendance to the Cruz speech as an opportunity to participate in a little bit of civil disobedience. The students, who told the National Journal they didn’t want to appear to support Cruz, wore “Stand With Rand” shirts and sat in clear view of cameras filming the speech.
'It is a highly deceptive': Ted Cruz blasted by Rand Paul supporters for launching 2016 bid at Liberty University event where attendance was mandatory
Young backers of Tea Party favorite Sen. Rand Paul are directing their fight for freedom at an unlikely target — fellow liberty-lover Sen. Ted Cruz.
Dozens of supporters of the Kentucky Republican crashed Ted Cruz’s packed 2016 presidential announcement at Liberty University earlier this week and took to social media to blast the Texas conservative for exploiting a policy at the evangelical school requiring students to attend his campaign event.
"I strongly object to Senator Cruz's choice of venue for the announcement of his 2016 presidential bid," Liberty student Joseph McGowan, a prominent campus Republican, wrote on his Facebook account in a stinging rant of the Texan’s “deception.”
Savvy move to make it look like you've got 10000 supporters behind you as you make your public announcement to run for President during a mandatory school convocation event.
I do find it odd though that a senator from Texas publicly announces his bid for the White House from a school in Virginia.
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