>Ever hear of Hugo Chavez?
Yes. I think we are still buying oil from him.
You all forget that Gadaffy was our man, bought and paid for, for many years? He never changed. US politics wobbled.
Hugo is 4th in countries we import from. Our friends to the North are still the number 1 importor of oil for us.
Crude Oil Imports (Top 15 Countries)
(Thousand Barrels per Day)
Country Jul-11 Jun-11 YTD 2011 Jul-10 YTD 2010
CANADA 2,188 2,085 2,121 2,055 1,982
SAUDI ARABIA 1,307 1,164 1,155 1,033 1,070
MEXICO 1,119 1,108 1,110 1,183 1,130
VENEZUELA 877 1,012 925 1,016 923
NIGERIA 818 813 864 1,143 1,016
IRAQ 596 559 458 430 496
COLOMBIA 398 272 343 381 329
ANGOLA 394 373 330 374 405
BRAZIL 310 269 235 315 286
KUWAIT 222 238 167 189 201
RUSSIA 202 335 241 367 290
ALGERIA 184 110 223 353 328
ECUADOR 172 219 175 233 204
CHAD 62 87 54 45 13
CAMEROON 60 32 31 81 55
Total Imports of Petroleum (Top 15 Countries)
(Thousand Barrels per Day)
Country Jul-11 Jun-11 YTD 2011 Jul-10 YTD 2010
CANADA 2,626 2,524 2,652 2,549 2,552
SAUDI ARABIA 1,326 1,169 1,162 1,053 1,079
MEXICO 1,197 1,222 1,227 1,289 1,257
VENEZUELA 943 1,077 1,015 1,084 1,005
NIGERIA 884 853 915 1,174 1,046
IRAQ 596 559 458 430 496
RUSSIA 562 689 614 719 597
COLOMBIA 415 309 376 404 357
ANGOLA 407 373 340 374 414
ALGERIA 354 293 425 518 500
BRAZIL 329 285 249 332 310
KUWAIT 228 238 168 189 204
VIRGIN ISLANDS 192 151 189 239 249
UNITED KINGDOM 175 146 173 351 293
ECUADOR 172 219 175 239 206
Yes Canada is the top importor of oil to the USA, because they are willing to drill baby drill. We could drill our own if we could ever get the government to relax some of the overbearing eviromental regulations. Canada hasn't been harmed from the drilling and they are making money off of us.