Your reply obviously came from some sort of Bizarro world as EVERYONE again with good sense already knows that blaming the victim is the calling card of the radical right. Look back and see how many times after police murdered unarmed black people how many on the radical right declared "If they'd just done what the police said" or something to the tune of "they got what they deserved".
After all it was a Missouri Republican, Todd Akin, who said something to the effect of that if a woman got pregnant, it wasn't rape because her body wanted it. He said something about a doctor telling him that the body has a way of keeping women from not getting pregnant if they are really raped.
Or as that courier, Bill O'Reilly, of the Fox News talking points did in 2006 when he said
Or maybe we should look at what a conservative commentator for the WSJ said:
Conservative commentator James Taranto stirred up a hornets' nest by attempting to argue for a “balanced” approach to the college sexual assault crisis.
His idea involves placing equal blame on rapists and their victims if both of them were drinking alcohol.
Quoting a
Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) article, Taranto writes: "if both parties are intoxicated during sex, they are both technically guilty of sexually assaulting each other." In practice it means that women, but not men, are absolved of responsibility by virtue of having consumed alcohol.
And Presidential nominee John Kasich advice to a female student concerned about sexual assault was: “Don’t go to parties where there’s a lot of alcohol.”
I'm sure liberals do at times do some victim blaming. But "conservatives" run the victim blaming wheelhouse.