Sometimes a person who receives a tract will contact the person who gave it to him and get saved. One such in Japan was Habazaki San, whose story I told here in 2006:
For those who don't want to click the link and search down on the pages, here it is:
"I just got back from
dendo (evangelism) with Habazaki San. This guy is my friend, and one of our most faithful church people. He is a bachelor about my age, pretty much ignored by his family and neighbors. But he trusted Christ as Savior after getting one of my tracts. He wrote me a post card with just four Chinese characters meaning, "I want to enter your teaching," then readily trusted Christ as Savior when I visited him. One of the highlights of my whole ministry in Japan was when I baptized him and Ueno San on the same day. Wow, two men at once! It doesn't get any better for a missionary to Japan.
"In the world's eye he is a nothing, a nobody. He did graduate from a junior college, but his job is delivering newspapers. Now in Japan that is a job for adults, and he is proud to be a full employee of the company (as opposed to a part timer). However, it is still towards the bottom of respected jobs in this society. Habazaki San doesn't care, though. He is a happy camper as long as he can do his job, watch some baseball and come to church!
"Anyway, before we got out tracts today I enjoyed his prayer for God to use us and touch people's hearts with the Gospel. Then I enjoyed his attitude of obedience, respect and good humor. He always does exactly what I ask with no complaints or disagreements, and does it with a smile. We didn't find anyone to witness to today, but maybe someone who got one of those tracts will be saved like he was!"
Unfortunately Habazaki San had a stroke several years ago and was no longer able to serve the Lord. But he will certainly have a reward in Heaven!