Does anyone think that BAptists are carried away with "the local church"? Some of the worst problems in church history were the result of AN OVER-REACTION TO HERESY. Sure, the Catholic church had abuses and popery, and the Reformers gave us evil state churches. But, IN REACTION TO ALL OF THAT, Baptists seem to have gone to the other extreme in claiming that there is not a universal church. Paul said there is ONE church, and he didn't mean the Ephesian church! Jesus said he would build his "church", singular. Further, Baptists claim that every N.T. letter was written to "a local church". Yeah, but that's not denying the catholicity of the church of Jesus Christ. Further, the churches Paul wrote to were not of the 'local church" slant that BAptists make it. Those churches were REGIONAL CHURCHES...CITY-CHURCHES...more similar to a district or synod or diocese than the Baptist "local church" idea of four walls and 15 core members. Come on, now. Baptists need to come the other way some on this. Their version of "the local church" is a setup for the same abuses distinctive of the Catholic church.