When a caller asked Sharon Haller to make a sheet cake with an anti-gay-marriage message, the Longwood baker thought it was a prank and hung up.But a day later, Haller was still dealing with threats and other fallout after a video of the conversation was posted online.
"People said we should go kill ourselves," said Haller, owner of Cut the Cake bakery. "They are being very threatening."
The video was only online for a few hours, but it was long enough for supporters of the caller — Arizona evangelist Joshua Feuerstein — to barrage the bakery with phone calls and Facebook messages containing insults, threats and accusations of being anti-Christian.
In the Thursday video, Feuerstein calls the bakery and says, "We need a sheet cake, and we need it to say, 'We do not support gay marriage.'"
"Is this a crank call?" Haller asks. "No, we wouldn't do that. Sorry."
After Haller hung up, Feuerstein continued in the nearly four-minute video to criticize her, the bakery and gay-marriage supporters for being intolerant of religious beliefs.The video was taken down, but Cut the Cake re-posted it Friday.
Cyndol Knarr, Haller's daughter who works at the bakery, said they put it back up after the wave of criticism turned into support."Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! For standing up for what is right," said one Facebook post.
The video came after this week's controversial proposed law in Indiana allowing businesses to decline service based on religious beliefs, including opposition to homosexuality and gay marriage."We had hundreds of calls. It was every 30 seconds," Haller said in an interview Friday.
Haller said she has spoken with the FBI and has been asked to keep track of calls.
"We're just kind of scared right now," Haller said.
FBI officials could not be reached for comment.
The video could violate a Florida law that requires consent of all parties to record a telephone conversation, said Andrea Flynn Mogensen, a Sarasota lawyer who specializes in civil-liberty cases."The same statute that criminalizes recording phone calls also criminalizes posting it and publishing it," Mogensen said.The law applies even if the call was placed from outside Florida. Recording conversations without consent is a third-degree felony punishable by up to five years in prison.
Feuerstein has a history of attacking atheists and gay-marriage proponents. According to his website, he is a former pastor in Fountain Hills, Ariz., and a "former television and radio evangelist who now uses social media to share his personal story of redemption and the hope of how Jesus Christ can heal a hurting heart!"He did not respond to e-mail requests for comment.
Cut the Cake does not advertise itself as a gay or gay-friendly bakery, but it has appeared on third-party websites as a business that has done work for gay weddings."We work with the gay community; we work with everybody of all religions or whoever," Haller said.
For now, Haller is trying to get back to work, since she has orders to fill for the weekend. A friend and fellow baker came in Friday to help."I have cakes to bake," she said.