Here is my review of the book Eternal Security by Stanley which I finished tonight.
Am I understanding correctly the views presented? Lordship teaches that those that do not submit in every area of their life and die as Homosexuals "christians" whom have not gotten victory will go to hell. However Lutzer & Stanley say otherwise.
This well-written book captures the reader’s interest and assures the reader Biblically of his security in the Lord. Those that deny eternal security will no doubt take issue with this book, and those of the hyper/extreme Calvinist persuasion will also take issue with this book. The gripes I have with this book and why I gave the book a 4 star instead of a 5 star rating has to do with the way Stanley has worded a few statements in various parts of the book, that isolated from the context may sound heretical. Statements such as:
“So there are Christians who show no evidence of their Christianity as well. But that does not change their eternal status, any more than a lost man can change his eternal destiny by acting saved.” (pg 67)
I am not sure what Stanley means by this comment, which on the surface isolated from the context is unbiblical according to the book of James. I did not find a good explanation in the book so I turned to some of his other books and in his book “Into His Presence” he makes a big case for living in holiness in the world and he even quotes author Jerry Bridges whom is big on the Holiness topic. Later in Eternal Security Stanley makes a case for his position on rewards and judgment based on 1 Cor 3, which may help explain the quote on pg 67 more clearly. Stanley teaches that those Christians whom live for themselves are indeed saved, but ones that will lose their rewards when they get to Heaven.
“Our works have nothing to do with where we spend eternity. But they have allot to do with what we can expect once we get there” (p. 119)
Respected pastor/Theologian Erwin Lutzer of Moody Church of Chicago holds a similar view and defends his case in his book “Your Eternal Reward.” On pg 69 of that book he writes “To possess eternal life you simply need faith in Christ; to truly inherit it, you need faith and obedience.” On the following page Lutzer goes on to say that Christians can be homosexuals, liars and such that will lose all their rewards in Heaven, if they do not get victory over such sins.
Based on these books it appears as if both Stanley & Lutzer do not hold to the Lordship Salvation view and a big reason why many in the Reformed camp will have an issue with Stanley’s book. Lutzer is more academic and those wanting a more in-depth read need to read his books “Your Eternal Reward” & “How you can be sure that you will spend eternity with God.” But for the average layman and small group study, Stanley’s book is sufficient and does a good job at defending the doctrine of eternal security. A well written read indeed!
Am I understanding correctly the views presented? Lordship teaches that those that do not submit in every area of their life and die as Homosexuals "christians" whom have not gotten victory will go to hell. However Lutzer & Stanley say otherwise.