The right to privacy has been challenged by world events, yes, but that's about all you can think of.
We are indeed a long way from losing any real rights, despite the infringement of liberal and worldly agendas. The church hasn't even had its tax-exempt status threatened yet; and HCSM's were given an exemption in ObamaCare. People are struggling to stop their ears, but rights for faithful people in this country are still unparalleled on our planet.
Hello Brandon, and welcome to the forum, I hope your time here will be blessed, and that you will in turn be a blessing to those here.
Have to disagree with you, though, on this issue. The right for a business owner to practice his religious beliefs has been threatened. The very fact that a business owner has a right to refuse service based on religious view is being challenged shows the serious nature of what is at risk.
The government has no authority to challenge that which is based on religious belief. And while we would expect a modicum of common sense, and deny someone's right to smoke pot, for example, because it is a "religious belief" (though that could be argued in light of the sorcery that was practiced in pagan religions), and we would balance "rights" with established laws (such as certain drugs being illegal and this is common knowledge), the government trying to force someone to, for example, bake a cake for challenging our rights.
Speaking of government strong-arming, lol, as I said, I am forced by the government to buy health insurance under threat of financial penalty.
I once had liberty to be the one to decide whether I wanted to have it or not.
And you don't think that is a right that is gone?
What is next, forcing people to carry auto insurance? lol
I don't see it as "We are indeed a long way from losing any real rights," but just the opposite...we are on the verge of allowing government to use Special Rights Agendas as a cover to illegally establish laws that are contrary to our basic rights.
And it is a specifically liberal influence that is underlying some of the nonsense we see in the media.
Again, welcome to the forum.
God bless.