I do this because i have learned over the past twenty years of conversation with folks from all types of sects that if you want to really know what a group is teaching you have to go directly to the followers to see what they are getting out of their leadership.
It doesn't matter if it is JW's. Mormons, SDA's, Catholics, Baptist, etc. If you want to know what their church is actually teaching then ask the followers what they believe.
You tell me, where is Adonia and Utilyan getting this belief that one can reject Jesus Christ and still be saved? From the Pope's comments? Their own local church's bishop? Why do they believe this way as Catholics? I always thought that Catholics towed the line. Maybe they are just repeating what they have been taught because they do not seem to react to Scripture when shown, they just ignore it.
Where do I get my opinion on this? From my observations of people of every stripe. I have seen non-Christians acting more like Christ than people whom claim Him as their own. And I read certain things in the Scriptures, like Luke 13: 29-30 which says: "And people will come from the east and the west and from the north and the south and will recline at table in the kingdom of God. For behold, some are last who will be first, and some are first who will be last".