You've asked of me something similar to the following:
"All I ask is that you stop kicking your dog."
In other words, your request presumes guilt on the part of some party (In this case both me and "Roman church scholars"). Further, it presumes that I place something over and above the very Word of God (something which I'd most enthusiastically deny). So your presentation, again, presumes various things about me and my views, things which are, incidentally, quite absurd. For the record, I don't:
1. Place anything above the Word of God.
2. Allow mere "commentaries" of "Roman church scholars" to twist, warp, or otherwise invalidate the true meaning of Holy Scripture.
Again, your comments presume my guilt on many counts. And all of this before you've so much as frankly asked a question of me or clearly and directly pointed out a misunderstanding on my part.
In Him,