Therefore all humanity, universally, is made perfect and holy.
Therefore, human willed faith is the work that God credits as that human beings form of righteousness.
Humans take the credit for building their own faith.
Yet, God said that Adam would surely die. Not limited spiritual ability. Total spiritual inability. Humans, at the fall, would have no capacity to choose redemption. God would need to choose to redeem humans.
Either that choice is on an individual basis or it is a universal choice.
God ordains all things for His glory.
Does AustinC really believe Jesus being the means of salvation means He has made everyone perfect? The assertion is obviously just a smoke screen to deflect from actual discussion.
Does God not credit our faith (or not) as righteousness? Of course He does, see Romans 4:4-5 and Romans 4:23-24.
How did Timothy know scripture from infancy if he had no spiritual ability? Again and again, Calvinism is shown to be bogus.
Did anyone say God did not choose to redeem humans? Nope so more deflection and no discussion. Sad
Did anyone say God does not choose individuals for salvation? Nope - so more deflection, more strawman, more smoke screen.
Does scripture say God ordains "all things?" No reference was provided. On the one hand Calvinists say God ordains whatsoever comes to pass, and then says God does not ordain sin. Cognitive dissonance.
Here again are the biblical doctrines Calvinism denies:
Christ became the propitiation or means of salvation for the whole world, all mankind.
God chooses individuals for salvation through or on the basis of crediting their faith as righteousness.
The Fall resulting in mankind having limited spiritual ability, able to understand and respond to spiritual milk but not spiritual solid food (meat).
God causes or allows all that comes to pass.