I want to know who leaked this to press, as this is very serious deal... Would the Clintonbs like the Media to look at their tax returns, or those of the Clinton Foundation?https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...a-total-nothingburger/?utm_term=.17fbfe152256
This 2005 Donald Trump tax return is a total nothingburger
MSNBC host Rachel Maddow spent hours touting a massive scoop: She — or more accurately, veteran investigative reporter David Cay Johnston — had gotten her hands on President Trump's 2005 federal tax return.
That return, the political universe speculated, might hold the key to unlocking the single biggest mystery surrounding Trump: His financial affairs. After all, this is a president who broke with decades of tradition by refusing to release his tax returns — any of them — during the 2016 campaign, insisting that he was under audit.
The return wasn't the key. Not even close.
This reminded me of when Geraldo opened up Capones vault, and had zip in it!