Georgia Right To Life Endorsing Huckabee
(11/30/07) Parting company with National Right To Life, which has endorsed Fred Thompson, Georgia Right To Life is giving its endorsement to former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, the organization announced Friday.
The big issue for the Georgia group: Huckabee’s support of the proposed Human Life Amendment in Georgia, also known as the Paramount Right to Life Amendment.
“We appreciate and respect the pro-life positions of all pro-life candidates,” the Georgia group said in its statement. “We commend Rep. Duncan Hunter, Dr. Alan Keyes and Rep. Tom Tancredo for their strong pro-life positions, but find that Gov. Mike Huckabee is the only candidate which qualified under Georgia Right To Life PAC guidelines.
“We examined three factors in our decision to endorse Gov. Mike Huckabee: the positions of the candidates on the life issues, their records on the life issues and their ability to win.”
The group said Huckabee responded with this statement to its inquiry about life issues: “In keeping with my consistent support for life, I believe in the ‘one exception’ clause for the life of the mother and I support the Georgia Personhood Amendment. I also support, and have consistently done so, the Human Life Amendment to the United States Constitution.”
The Georgia legislation is
HR 536, introduced late last session but still available for action in 2008. It is a constitutional amendment requiring two-thirds votes in both chambers. Some Republican leaders are anxious to keep it bottled up, seeing no way it can attract the Democratic votes that would be needed to pass it and fearing that it could only produce “scorecard” votes to be used in the primary campaigns.
The Georgia group said it normally would pass along the national endorsement to its members but was grateful that national leaders allowed individual state organizations to make their own choices. “Passing a Personhood amendment here in Georgia is our key issue ... Support of a candidate who ushered a similar amendment through his own state speaks volumes to us,” said Bryan Lash, director of the Georgia group’s PAC.
http://www.insideradvantagegeorgia....r 2007/11-30-07/GRTL_Endorsement113019636.php