Every grocery store will be required to carry Diet Cherry Coke because I like it and can't ever seem to find it around here. I know they still make it as they have it listed on their website.
Students must pass a mandatory life skills class before graduating or dropping out of high school. I know one of the most useful things I had to do in high school (well actually eighth grade) was in a math class where we were assigned a certain "income" and had to prepare a monthly budget based on rent, utilities, etc., in our area. We also had to learn how to fill out a W-2 and basic tax return, had to find out the procedures for registering to vote and getting a drivers license. Another useful skill would be educating students on how credit cards really work and how to avoid getting into debt (maybe we should make adults do this too!). Also basic job application and interview skills could be covered and what further educational opportunities are available (junior colleges, GED, job training programs) in that area.
Require health classes in elementary, junior high, and high school. Include information about obesity, eating disorders, depression, substance abuse, short and long-term consequences of smoking (not just relationship to lung cancer but heart disease, etc.). Both male and female students need education about diseases of the reproductive system and sex education. Students need to know about the various STDs, which ones can and cannot be prevented through use of barrier methods, what the types of birth control available are and how they should properly be used. Males need to learn about testicular cancer and how to perform self-exams. Females need to learn the basics of prenatal care, how to perform self-exams of the breast, why they need to have yearly pap smears, and about other common gyn problems.