I get judged all the time on this board for my failure to make them but I desire to make them. How do you make disciples? I am not the best with relationships and making friends so to me I am better suited for open air and contact evangelism. So I just wonder how to make disciples.
John 4:37.
"For in this the saying is true, 'One sows and another reaps.'" Brother, do not be discouraged. So long as you are doing open-air evangelism, it will be hard to make disciples. But Mark 16:15 is as true as Matthew 28:19. You are doing a work commanded by the Lord Jesus. Every tract that you give out may be used by God to save someone, but you may never know about it. You are sowing; someone else is reaping.
Most of my evangelistic work is done with the Gideons. In Britain, we are allowed into schools (with the teachers' permission) to take an assembly, speak to the children and offer the New Testaments. We are
not allowed to preach to the children, but we can tell them some of what it says, tell them what it means to us and encourage them to take one. More than 90% do so. One of the schools I visit with my colleagues is in a small town called Uffculme.
A while ago, a friend of mine visited Uffculme Baptist Church. on a Lord's Day. There was a young chap of about 19 being baptized. In his testimony, he said that he had received a Gideon Testament at school at the age of 12. He had not looked at it but thrown it into a draw and forgotten about it. A while later, his parents got divorced, he failed his exams and his girl-friend dumped him. He remembered the Testament in the draw, looked it out and began to read it. He was convicted by what he read and felt he ought to go to a church, and there he was, being baptized, seven years after receiving the Testament. Now I didn't save the lad; clearly my words had no impression on him save that he didn't actually refuse to take the book. But if the Gideons had not visited that school that year, the lad, humanly speaking, might never have been saved. If my friend had not visited that particular church on that particular day, I would never have heard of this. Who knows what effect your words and your tracts may have had on people over the years?
Next week, I and my Gideon Colleagues are going to the local University to speak to the students and hand out Testaments. I would absolutely love it if a youngster stayed long enough for me to explain the Gospel to him and lead him to Christ. that would be wonderful! But mostly the students are hurrying to lectures, and all I have time to do is show them the helps at the front of the Testament and encourage them to read it. Sometimes I can get a bit of a conversation going, but I've never led anyone to Christ in those circumstances.
BUT last year, the University Christian Union had more than 50 new people turning up to their meeting the week after we were there. We are sowing; the C.U. is reaping, and God is giving the increase.
If you want to get involved with reaping, then why not hold an evangelistic Bible Study series in your home and invite your neighbours? Get your church's agreement first and maybe it will provide some help and lay on some food.