So all women just WANT to submit to a good man, huh?
Does that work for men too? Do all men just WANT to be loving to a good woman?
I've been in this thing long enough to see numerous fat, lazy women sit on the couch all day watching tv while good men worked 50 and 60 hours a week to provide for them and those men have to come home to nasty houses and cook their own meals and deal with their wives whining and complaining all night.
The biggest fattest lie out there today is that if a man would do his part a woman would automatically WANT TO do hers.
That implies that MEN are the problem.
Such a statement sounds bad coming from a woman.
We women would be perfect wives if it were not for men.
What sexism!
While I can't imagine a BELIEVING woman that is following Christ that would act as you have described, I'm sure it happens. I can understand how at first thought, it can sound sexist and the concept can even anger people.
But yes, I believe that when a believing man is truly following a Christ-like example, a believing wife will want to submit to him and yes, I believe that believing men will want to be loving to a good woman.
There are always going to be exceptions as long as there is sin, as long as there are addictions, as long as human nature exists, and there are always going to be rough times in life and marriages that go through hardships.
I personally spent a lot of time very hurt and very mocking of the idea of submission. I was an unbeliever when I first married another unbeliever. I came to Christ. He didn't. I did quite a bit of work. It didn't work. Nothing was good enough, never could be submissive enough...never perfect enough.
I never in a million years thought I would remarry, nor did I want to and the idea of submission? :laugh:
All I can say is that the Bible is true. It's not sexist. It says what it says and when two people live it, it works. It just does.
It's just that it really takes two. Not one. If one spouse isn't willing to do so, it sure makes it rough on the other one.
Even with two, it doesn't mean constant springtime and birds singing and roses. LOL I won't say there weren't times at first when I didn't bite my tongue a lot or pray for myself to be quiet so I could think before I spoke or that there aren't times when I don't have to stop and check myself and I'm sure he does the same sometimes.
That should be true in any relationship though, whether you're talking to a spouse, your child, your boss, your co-worker, or anyone else. We're human and our first reaction in a stressful situation or conversation often isn't the best one to go with. There just tends to be a lot more deepness with a spouse, a lot more hurt to work through since you're in it together for life, so naturally you go through more and have more to work through, so more depth ends up if you take the time to work through hardship for the sake of peace and love and develop to those deeper levels.
And when that deepness is built, layer upon layer, on a foundation of trust and belief in Christ, it becomes a pattern. It becomes so much easier, that trust is there. If G-d is my Father and my husband is following him, what reason would I have to not trust my husband's leading? How can that be sexist? It doesn't FEEL sexist, and I've been accused of being a rabid feminist by quite a few Baptists in my time. :smilewinkgrin: