BTW, I often see people using the word "fat" in such a derogatory manner.
They should.
Being "fat" is not a positive quality in any respect. There are worse things...plenty of them. But this B.S. notion that "I'm fat, your fat, and we're o.k." is no more sound than anyone telling me that my pack a day smoking habit is "a-o.k."..............I smoke too much, and that isn't o.k....I'm not fat though, and I'll be D_mned if I ever allow some tub of lard to preach to me about my tobacco habit.
Neither one is ideal.
I don't see people saying "get off her skinny, lazy butt" or "skinny, ugly butt," they always say fat.
That is because being "skinny" or, at least, not over-weight is a superior status to that of being "fat". People don't say "get off her skinny butt" because "skinny" is essentially
good, and over-weight is essentially
bad, that's why.....Stop watching Oprah, she's been lying and tickling Americans' (particularly women's) ears for years......."fat" isn't beautiful, nor is it "a-o.k."'s an imperfection that we should strive to over-come. It is not a virtue.
and I'm not that bad looking either
I don't doubt that..........but, don't convince yourself you wouldn't possibly be MORE attractive if you were thinner.........I have a 38 waist now....I'm quite convinced, however, that although I am not
bad looking either, I was more physically attractive 12 years ago as a tanned 24-year old with a wash-board and a 32" waist....I haven't gotten sexier since then, I assure you. for those that want to use the word "fat" and automatically connect it with lazy and ugly, you really should quit.
No they shouldn't, and here's why:
1.) There are plenty of "fat" people who are no more "lazy" than the man in the you are right on that level
Generally (and it's general) particularly slothful individuals habitually BECOME ALSO fat and out of shape.
3.) Thus, there
IS a positive correlation between the status of being "fat" and also being "lazy" which is no doubt statistically more significant than "skinny" or "in-shape" people. I have no doubt that "skinny" or "in-shape" people are drastically less lazy than I am. I know plenty of people at my work in their mid-to-late forties who are in SIGNIFICANTLY better shape than I am, and INEXPLICABLY, they do more over-time, and work FAR harder than I do.......They usually don't smoke as I do either, because they aren't as easily swayed or tempted by certain fleshly weaknesses as perhaps I am either. They are RIGHT on that level. They are "BETTER" than me in the sense that they don't smoke...and they are also "BETTER" (in that particular respect) if they work harder and are less fat. It is a SUPERIOR state of being.
It is foolish PRIDE which causes one to refuse to admit either error.
4.) It is not a
I have a 38" waist now........I COULD achieve a 34 or 32 inch one any day........I don't and the reason is:
I'm too LAZY to do what it takes....that's it.
I am in no position to judge anyone as my own beam is as prominent as another's....but, I don't lie to myself about my short-comings either.
Many of us have some hills to climb that we can overcome by God's grace. But, we will ALL remain either "smokers" or "fat" or somewhat too "lazy" until we
Let's observe how the Apostle Paul felt about the flesh's weakness:
1 Cor. 9: 27 But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.
New International Version
No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.
New Living Translation
I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified.
English Standard Version
But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.
New American Standard Bible
but I discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified.
I leave us all with this gem my best friend once said:
It's not the dress that makes you look fat, it's the fat that makes you look fat.