I'm watching the video and I see already he orders God around by "commanding your healing" as he prays for a patient.
I've been at the bedside of numerous people who died and none of them had black limbs. It's interesting that they were doing CPR on him and his limbs were black? Then they weren't doing it properly.
OH! Ok - he wasn't "raised from the dead" by prayer but by medical science. Got it!
The rest of the story? Interesting - quite unbiblical. The man is a "messenger"? He was sent back to be a messenger? A messenger from whom? God? He certainly didn't "go to heaven" when he died.
Yeah - I do not believe this was a miraculous raising from the dead as you are reporting. I believe that yes, he was restored to health but he was not yet fully dead.
Again, bible healings were instant and verifiable!
NO DOUBTthe person was healed by God!
Did hear on out local KLove radio station this morning, that a group of chrsitians wen tot Hospital to pray for husband of a church member, when they arived, already died, turning ashen/grey, but thay still prayed to god to bring him back, and theyclaim the man woke up, had a weird burnt orange hue about him, when they asked him if he wanted tocome back to them, he smiled , said no, and just passed away!