Yeah, to be honest I figured throwing "carnal" back at him might set him off. He believes he and the writers of the LBC 1869 have special insight and their work inspired so all that disagree with it are evil. Couldn't count how many times he's gotten personal and used such derogatory insults in debate and kind of surprised he flies under the radar with it.
I rarely participate myself any more but guess I was a bit bored and figured I'd rattle his cage a little, maybe occasionally like to throw him a few crumbs to chew on when he's sitting all alone.

I try to help him some too, but suspect there is some kind of blockage that makes him the way he is. My biggest issue with him is that he shamelessly avoids coming to the truth while hiding behind his insults, but the rest I'm pretty thick skinned about and consider the source and who he will answer to eventually.