righteousdude2 said:You heard it here; and you heard it first. I don't know when that generated crisis Biden is speaking about will surface, BUT, I can assure you that BHO will fail the test miserably. That's why Biden wants America to stand behind them, NO matter what??
This will be the first time in my life [should the angry, not so bright of this this nation get Obama elected] that I will not be proud to be an American. It will also be the first time that I will not refer to the president as "my president." You don't know how much this aches and pains my heart, but, how can I stand behind and support a president that has lied and manipulated his way to the top job in this nation.
If I were able to physically and financially able to move to Canada and become a Canadian citizen, I would do it on November 5th.
I can safely predict that things are going to go from "Bush bad" to Obama terrible.
My prayers are for God's will in this nation, and I firmly believe that God will put the right man in office. McCain's victory signals to me that God is still on the side of this nation. But, Obama is God's righteous judgment of this nation, and I see an Obama victory as the beginning of God's last warning to America to get it right. Obama means this nation is being punished, and He will punish us through Obama who has been sent to chastise the people of this once proud nation. When I say chastise, I mean Obama will be so bad as POTUS, that come the next general election, people will overwhelmingly vote Obama out of office.
I can only hope that God gives us one more chance, and miraculously gets McCain elected.
Shalom to all,
Pastor Paul:type:
oh good grief. have you never considered that if Obama is our leader, then we should pray for him to make the right decisions? And that it would be the majority of the nation that put him there?
You make it sound as if he's put himself there. If people voted him in...that's the way democracy works.