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Marriage Guidelines for a pastor


Well-Known Member
I’ll start with the low hanging fruit:

Marry an unmarried MAN and an unmarried WOMAN (Let’s cross “same sex union” and ”polygamy” off the list).

Dr. Bob

Many passages elevating marriage in the Bible. Little about who/how such a ceremony takes place in the Bible. Would you believe AI came up with this summary?
"The Bible doesn't prescribe a specific marriage ceremony, but it does describe and illustrate weddings in a social context.

Bible passages about marriage
  • Genesis 2:24: "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh"

  • Matthew 19:4-6: "What therefore god hath joined together, let not man put asunder"

  • 1 Corinthians 7:10-11: "What God has joined together, no one can separate"
Biblical principles for marriage

  • Honor each other (Ephesians 5:33)
  • Respect each other's needs and feelings (Colossians 3:19)
  • Give up your will for the good of the relationship (Philippians 2:3-4)
  • Serve each other sacrificially (Ephesians 5:21)
  • Pray together as a couple (1 Thessalonians 5:17)
Marriage in the Bible
In the Bible, marriage is a man and woman living together and attempting procreation. Some say that social marriage is the most biblical.

Marriage in the early Christian Era
For much of the early Christian Era, the Church stayed out of weddings and let the state handle the union of man and woman.

Dr. Bob

Personal note: As an ordained minister, I am authorized to marry anyone. For 30 years, I did hundreds of marriages as part of my outreach to help folks "do right" (their own good and good of society). Our county did not have a Justice of the Peace and the courts were busy and "cold" (4 minute legal marriage). So I met with our county clerk and set up guidelines and gave them permission to distribute my name as "possible" officiant to couples applying for marriage license.

My personal guidelines:
Both be either non-Christian (not truly born again) or both Christian
Both be of age with family blessing (usually THEIR kids, not their parents)
Must meet with me for marriage counseling
May be married anywhere
Service will be Christian, with prayer, Scriptures, biblical challenge to them and witnesses
No alcohol at site
They must have proper paperwork from County
They must have 2 adult witnesses present
No charge except for gasoline if out of immediate area
I would accept a love gift for my services (and almost all did so, thankfully)

The county asked for one exception: in special legal cases, I would suspend the 2-hour counseling and perform ceremony. Immigration or other agency would give me a check and secured location. I did 5-6 over 50 years but cannot share details of these.

Some years I did 5 and some years 30. Gave out the Gospel in counseling with the couple in detail, and also in general during the ceremony. Outreach for my church (some came to church) and evangelism (some professed salvation).