"Jesus said 'it is his body,'" so you say. Your misled opinion is wrong. You don't see the metaphor when it is set right before you. You are blind to it.
Jesus also said:
I am the light. (but he is not a candle).
I am the door (but we don't literally knock on him).
Note, that Jesus says in Rev.3:20 Jesus says you have a door (in your life--body, soul and spirit). He says to you: "I stand at the]door and knock, if any man open the door I will come into him..."
Where is that door? Do you hear the knock? Does it sound the same as the rap on the door of your house? How do you know when Jesus is knocking on your door? How big is that door?
Perhaps you would like to explain that verse to me:
Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
--Please explain.
Jesus spoke in many metaphors. You deny some and and accept others. Your method of interpretation is very inconsistent. It is a method only convenient to RCC theology and not to true Biblical hermeneutics which "rightly divides the Word of truth (2Tim.2:15).
Thus the RCC, as well as yourself, is just plain wrong. We can say that standing on the authority of the Word of God.
If I had a wrong assessment you would be able to through my post point by point and demonstrate how it is wrong. Instead you find just one point of disagreement and instead of showing how it is wrong you simply parrot the RCC position. Sad.
I see, so for almost 1500 years all of Christendom was wrong on this issue and you are right? And it's not just the Roman Rite that believes this doctrine. In the 11th century when the first great schism happened in Christianity between East and West, our Eastern Orthodox brothers never abandoned this belief and they too kept on with this basic Christian truth. The only thing with them is they don't try to explain it (transubstantiation), they consider the mechanics of it a "mystery".
No, you are the one's who have rejected this reality, following the teaching of one man (Zwingli) who came up with this false doctrine (15th/16th century). For me to reject the truth of the "Real Presence" would have me believe that God would allow such a falsehood to be perpetrated for so long, leading so many people astray and that is just not possible.
Yes, sometimes Jesus spoke in metaphors and sometimes he was direct and to the point and this time he was direct and to the point. At times you believe the Scriptures literally (a 24hr/7 day creation period, a talking burning bush etc.) but when it comes to this particular issue, you are suddenly a stickler for reading around what is exactly said.
As the Catholic Church so rightly teaches: "The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life....For in the blessed Eucharist is contained the whole spiritual good of the Church, namely Christ himself, our Pasch". "It is the culmination both of Gods action sanctifying the world in Christ and of the worship men offer to Christ and through him to the Father and the Holy Spirit. (Article 3 - The Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, Catechism of the Catholic (Universal) Church)
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