Are you really curious or do you just want to argue?
Some of us have lives outside of this forum. I have had work deadlines, a friend whose mother was severely injured last week and needed my assistance. I also sat with him during her extensive surgery and helped out with practical needs. I also needed to help my in-laws with some things. Believe it or not, those things are more important to me than responding to your mistaken ideas.
Yes, exactly. If I thought the anti-maskers were actually curious to know what was true, I would forsake sleep and meals to assist. When all they want to do is argue, I am not highly motivated.
FYI, I reviewed this study back when you posted it on the other thread. The problems were so obvious, and I had so little time, I left it to others to explain.
I’m sure you feel completely vindicated by one obscure study since you have labeled it as the conclusive statement of “SCIENCE!”
First things first. The title of this thread is a lie. The CDC does NOT claim that masks don’t work. Even a casual review of current mask statements demonstrates the lie. As you said in the other thread, one “has to dig” to find anything that may demonstrate that masks are ineffective. What you are digging into are studies from around the world that explains observations and results, some much better than others. Cherry-picking one Chinese study that is an aberration from others and designating it as “Science” and/or the definitive CDC position is a demonstration of extreme ignorance of how science works, the function of the CDC, a lack of ability to evaluate evidence, or simple dishonesty.
Looking at the study, we can see a number of factors that have to be considered:
(1) It’s a Chinese study. That doesn’t matter to me, but for all of the conspiracists out there who currently claim that the virus was created by China as a bioweapon, they shouldn’t take this study at face value. To the conspiracist, the Chinese are trying to harm us with this virus, so we should do the opposite of what they say. However, I take it at face value and think it is relevant, once one understands what is being said.
(2) We should also note that this study covers hand hygiene and masks. Their results appeared to indicate that hand washing is ineffective. Do anti maskers also refuse to wash their hands? Do they verbally assault people who wash their hands?
(3) The study primarily involves reviews of other studies in households, residence halls, and in Hajj pilgrimages from persons from various countries.
In all of these situations, there was no mention of social distancing -- which is part of the mask protocol, since masks simply deflect/divert the virus-carrying vapor plume. If one wears a mask without social distancing, the mask will be ineffective.
(4) As you stated upfront, this is not a study of COVID-19 transmission, but of influenza transmission. Even during influenza outbreaks, I have never heard social distancing recommendations, other than persons who have flu symptoms should stay home and away from others. Often, because of the lack of social distancing in homes, whole families come down with the flu — and that’s what this study seems to corroborate.
So in conclusion:
- The CDC did not make the claim that masks are ineffective.
- The study cherry-picked as an example of “science” does not support the claim that masks with required social distancing protocols are ineffective.