"The true Mason is not creed-bound. He realizes with the divine illumination of his lodge that as a Mason his religion must be universal: Christ, Buddha, or Mohammed, the name means little, for he recognizes only the light and not the bearer. He worships at every shrine, bows before every altar, whether in temple, mosque or cathedral, realizing with his truer understanding the oneness of all spiritual truth." (The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall, 33o, p.65, Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Co., Richmond, VA., 1976.)
"Masonry, around whose altars the Christian, the Hebrew, the Moslem, the Brahmin, the followers of Confucius and Zoroaster, can assemble as brethren and unite in prayer to the one God who is above ALL the Baalim, must needs leave it to each of its initiates to look for the foundation of his faith and hope to the written scriptures of his own religion." (Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike, 1956, page 226) [Ed note : The word "Baalim," is simply defined as "false god or idol." The Masonic author has included the God of the Christian in that category.]
The simple Christian NO list has been enough for most truly Bible based Churches to take a stand regarding Masons holding membership in their Church.
First, if the Mason is a Christian, Christ's admonition to swear no oaths at all should be all one would need to stay clear. The secrets of Masonry are protected by the most vile of blood oaths, every one of which is an offense to Jesus.
Second, the name and nature of the Masonic deity is an offense to the one true God. It is taught in the Royal Arch degree that Masonry draws its teachings and powers from three great teachers and gods. The combined deity is represented as a three headed snake, whose name is Joa:Bul:On, which stands for Jehovah, Baal and Osiris, Now the Mason who pronounces that name in the Masonic prayer of worship has just simply defiled the Holy name of God.
Third, in the Shrine, the initiate swears a terrible binding oath in the name of "Allah, the God of our Fathers!" Friends, Mohammed was a false prophet and Allah is an evil god, a demon god destroying nation after nation of his followers. The red Fez itself was originally a badge of honor worn only by muslims who had actually killed a Christian and dipped his cap in the martyr's blood.
Fourth, At the Apron lecture, the foolish mason is usually told that the lambskin apron will be his covering at the great white throne judgement of God. The prayer and dedicatory sounds great, but there is only one Great white throne judgement and it is the judgement of the damned. (Rev.20:11)
Fifth, the promise of godhood through the Lodge, the usurping of Christ's Melchizedek Priesthood, the Holy communion of the dead, drinking wine from the carved out top of a human skull......and on and on.
The scriptures tell us to "not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers; for what fellowship hath righteousness wioth unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? Come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you." (2 Cor. 6:14,15,17).
The oath sworn by the Entered Apprentice or first degree: "…binding myself under no less penalty than that of having my throat cut across, my tongue torn out by its roots, and my body buried in the rough sands of the sea, at low water mark." The Master Mason swears,"…under no less penalty than that of having my body severed in two, my bowels taken from thence and burned to ashes, the ashes scatter before the four winds of heaven…" (Duncan's Ritual of Freemasonry, 3rd Ed., pp. 35 396, David McKay Pub., New York, NY)
Each candidate, upon completion of the initiation is given a white Lambskin Apron whose pure and spotless surface, he is told, would be
"an ever present reminder of purity of life and rectitude of conduct, and when at last, after a life of faithful service your weary feet shall have come to the end of life's toilsome journey and from your nerveless grasp shall have dropped forever the working tools of life, may the record of your life be as pure and spotless as this fair emblem which I place in your hands tonight, and when your trembling soul shall stand, naked and alone, before the Great White Throne, there to receive judgement for the deeds done while here in the body, may it be your portion to hear from Him who sitteth as the Judge Supreme, the welcome words: Well done, thou good and faithful servant. Thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee rule over many things! Enter into the joy of thy Lord."
While the words sound noble, it is to the everlasting pit of hell that the unsuspecting candidate has been assigned in the subtle words of the message. The promise is that the apron represents the works of the flesh when the Mason stands before God at the Great White Throne judgement.
There is only one Geat White Throne Judgement in my Bible and it is found in REV 20:11-15. It is the judgement of those dead not in Christ, the judgement of the damned, who will be judged... not by the gift of God through Christ, but by their own works, with an end in the lake of fire. What a tragedy!
The matter of forsaking sin and following righteousness is not the whim of isolated, narrow-minded preachers and teachers. It is God's own standard and His only standard for those who belong to Him. It is the very essence of the gospel and is set in bold contrast to the standards of the unredeemed. To emphasize God's feelings toward idolatry in needless, His Word is most emphatic on the subject. Yet there is a tendency among many who profess Christ to look upon idolatry as being peculiar only to those of the Old Testament dispensation, or to assign it to remote lands on the other side of the world. As consequence of this error Satan has established under the very nose, as it were, of Christianity a system and center of idolatry in every city in the so-called Christian world. That system of idolary is Freemasonry; its center, or meeting house in known as the " Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons!
Freemasonry is an open indictment against the Christian church, especially in America, because it has been so widely accepted among those who supposedly accept Jesus Christ as Lord. Yet, these same people turn from Him who is the Light of the World and seek more so-called light as they approach the Worshipful Master in the east, Freemasonry's representative for the rising sun.
Freemasonry is an indictment against the Christian Church because it depicts the Church's gross lack of spiritual insight and discernment. "He who is spiritual appraises all things." Paul said, (1st Cor. 2:15)nasb. Yet it is obvious that the Church has not made the slightest attempt to appraise Freemasonry's idolatrous system that it's true nature might be revealed. The Church largely has embraced Masonry as being no more than a social and ethical institution advocating high moral standards for its adherents. Many look upon Masonry as being synonymous with Christianity. Freemasonry is in no way synonymous with Christianity, neither is it moral or ethical.