Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
What's below is pure BILGE.
Here is my summary of the show:
Free Masonry
Definition: defines itself as a system of morality.
Begins at blue lodge
entered apprentice -->fellow craft -->master mason.
Most never get to master mason.
New Masons will get a blood initiation rite. Strip of clothes, blindfolded and made to knee before a master. Master use sharp object to poke left breast till blood flow.
Take blood oath not to reveal the secrets of masonary.
Somewhat similar to witchcraft. End prayer with “so ‘mould?’ it be”
Called Lucifer god.
Quote: “Masons don’t need to understand but imagine to understand.”
Gives worship to different gods. But due to high use of occultic symbols, masons usually do not know what they worship. They have a Eyptian trinity and worship nature à the regenerative power.
Their symbol – square and compass with a G in the center. Understood as its early founders were craftsmen of cathedrals.
Square rep woman while compass rep man. G rep the geometrical principle of life.
Woman cannot be mason.
What has this got to do with Christianity?
They use scriptures and members of churches (deacons) are seen there. They are on a search for the lost name of God. They have a trinity – Jehovah, Baal, and “Osirus?”
They reduce Jesus Christ to a mere reformer… just like Muhammed, Buddha.
For more info:
Free the Mason Ministries
PO Box 1076
Issaquah, WA
[ February 05, 2002: Message edited by: bustr ]