Why does the right wing remain quiet on this topic? Why is there no outrage by the right-wing.
Mass murder is defined by the killing of 4 or more people?
Who poses the most danger to Amercians, ISIS or other Americans?
Who has killed the most Americans ISIS or Americans?
Mass murder is defined by the killing of 4 or more people?
Who poses the most danger to Amercians, ISIS or other Americans?
Who has killed the most Americans ISIS or Americans?
Since 2006, there have been more than 200 mass killings in the United States.
Well-known images from Newtown, Aurora and Virginia Tech capture the nation’s attention, but similar bloody scenes happen with alarming frequency and much less scrutiny.
USA TODAY examined FBI data -- which defines a mass killing as four or more victims -- as well as local police records and media reports to understand mass killings in America. They happen far more often than the government reports, and the circumstances of those killings -- the people who commit them, the weapons they use and the forces that motivate them -- are far more predictable than many might think.
Yet no one is keeping track.