First of all, Paul says the man of sin was
already in action at the time he is writing and that the Thessalonians knew the man and what was restraining that man -- such is a then-contemporary issue.
The "man of sin," who overtook the Jewish Temple just a decade or so after St. Paul wrote 2 Thess 2, was the Zealot terrorist
Menahem, who in AD 66 overtook the Roman Fortress of Masada, used the weapons to launch the Revolt against Rome from the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, and executed the Jewish High Priest Ananias. Menahem was the grandson of Judas the Galilean, who had led an anti-Roman revolt in 6 CE; two of his relatives had been crucified after a similar disturbance. The group of Menahem was called Sicarians ('dagger men'). The Sicarii Zealots hailed their leader as king of the Jews and went to Jerusalem, where they laid siege to the remaining Roman garrison. In September AD 66, the Roman leaders occupying Jerusalem surrendered and were lynched.
Here's a great biography on the false Jewish messiah, Menahem,
This event which launched the Great Revolt was the event St. Paul had prophesied in 2 Thess 2, which the Thessalonians were to mark as the correct time for Christ's judgment to begin upon Israel. And indeed it was the beginning of God's Judgment, for immediately following this event the Romans, led by Cestius Gallus, marched to the rebellious province, liberated the pro-Roman capital of Galilee (Sepphoris), and continued to Jerusalem. When they appeared at Jerusalem,
Luke 21:20-22 took place, and the Jewish Christians fled the city and were saved. Cestius Gallus was temporarily halted at Jerusalem by the Zealot revolutionaries, and this temporary halt allowed the Christians to escape the great city as Jesus had told them to do. But the Romans quickly returned with a larger army and sealed off the entire city, leaving millions of Jews from all over the empire stuck inside (
Luke 19:40-44), where they went through civil war, plague, famine, and then a slaughter by the Romans at AD 70. The Temple was taken down stone by stone as Christ had said. "For those were the days of vengeance, that all things written might be fulfilled." (
Luke 21:20-22)
Scriture please? Show us the scripture that teaches the False prophet is the "deputy of the man of Sin" as you claim...while you are at it, go ahead and provide ANY scripture that teaches Paul's Man of Sin and John's Beast
are the Same individual human being.....ANY scripture...otherwise we will be forced to conclude that you are adding to scripture that which does not exist within it's pages.
There are two identifiable "marks" in Revelation.
The sealing of the 144,000 jews is accomplished by a mark in the forehead in parallel fashion to the MARK of the beast in the forehead (see Rev. 9:4 and Rev. 7:2-8 and Rev 14:1). Futurists are never consistent on this -- if one is physical-literal then shouldn't BOTH MARKS be seen as physical-literal? Yet just ask a futurist who is the "computer chip manufacturer" today who is producing the "Mark of God," and they have no answer. However, they will speculate all day and night on which technology company is in cahoots with satan to produce his computer implant. I propose that Bill Gates is working on the "Mark-of-God chip implant" for the 144,000. Hehe.
But, in fact, John didn't have computer chips in mind at all when he wrote the passage. Rather, as in so many other parts of Revelation, he was quoting the Old Testament. The following passages should be carefully examined when discussing "the mark on the forehead or hand" that marks people for doom or salvation:
Ez. Chapter 9 -- angels mark people for God's destruction of Jerusalem in 6th Century B.C.
Deut 6:8, Deut 11:18, Exodus 13:9 -- God's marks commanded to be upon the head and hands of his people to show their faithfulness
John's notions in his vision are related to Old Testament concepts -- not modern day conjectures that the MARK of the beast is to be thought of as a some computer product.
William Barclay's generic comments on The Mark:
* On every contract of buying or selling there was a charagma, a seal, and on the seal the name of the emperor and the date. If the mark is connected with this, it means that those who worship the beast accept his authority. Note: this could also be the seal of ownership.
* All coinage had the head and inscription of the emperor stamped upon it, to show that it was his property [coins read: "Caesar is God"]. If the mark is connected with this, it means that those who bear it are the property of the beast.
* When a man had burned his pinch of incense to Caesar, he was given a certificate to say he had done so. The mark of the beast may be the certificate of worship which a Christian could obtain only at the cost of denying his faith.
Enforced Emperor Worship:
The Imperial-Cult worship of the Emperor as Lord was enforced throughout the entire empire. Roman officers governed this practice to make sure everyone was abiding by the law -- when one offered sacrifices to Caesar compliance certificates were issued that you had worshipped the Emperor. These certificates allowed business as usual within the Roman system. Failure to comply was an act of War against the Roman State.
DAVID CHILTON: On Economic Boycotts
The Jewish Leaders organized economic boycotts against those who refused to submit to Caesar as Lord, the leaders of the synagogues "forbidding all dealings with the excommunicated," and going so far as to put them to death.
6-6-6: The Number of the Existing Caesar
The Hebrew form of "Caesar Nero" is Nrwn Qsr (pronounced "Neron Kaiser"). The value of the seven Hebrew letters is 50, 200, 6, 50, 100, 60, and 200, respectively.
See my opening posts! They are chalk full of real, historically verifiable events fulfilling each and every proclimation Jesus laid out in the Olivet... and, not surprisingly, as is your apparent MO here, you have yet to refute or deny a single one of them! Again, you simply act as if they were never posted, even having the audacity to claim they never were posted by me! Did you even read them?
Thankfully our readers are smarter than you give them credit for... they CAN and DO read, and understand.
Rather, I can and just did
And I'll do it again and again and again.