Just in case you forget. There were some folks at the rally who were not affiliated with the neo-Nazi's, White supremacist or KKK. And I am sure there were some well meaning folks mixed within the BLM and ANTIFA.
It doesn't take a scholar to understand what Trump was speaking abut when he said, "there were also some good people on both sides!" Maybe this is something Trump learned after he was blamed for calling all Mexican immigrants rapists, murderers, thugs, etc.
Anyone who believes Trump was calling the alt-right anarchists in Charlottesville good people needs their head and heart EXAMINED. The police put the number of "bad" people at around 300, and the number of protesters there for a peaceful rally at over a thousand!
The problem with you, CTB, is you have a bad habit of exaggerating! That makes those things flowing off your key board nothing more than FAKE NEWS! And that is a real shame!
Still, I ask God bless you real good!