All corporations and individuals should have the same rights as media corporations.
I think you may have missed the point. As, I think, did Brent.
Media corporations are just as free to monetarily support candidates as any other corporation, and should, in my opinion, be limited to the $2700 per candidate limit.
But the media have the added ability to slant the news to support their candidate of choice and slant the news in the other direction to defame the other candidate.
We are seeing that right now. The major media outlets have been piling on President Trump since last November. I will be the first to say he is certainly no angel, and should have somebody in his entourage whose job is to put his hand over Trump's mouth every time he is getting ready to say something stupid (which would be just about all the time). Not to mention getting his off Twitter!
But on the other hand the media refuse to cover him when he is at his best. This past week has been eye opening. The President Trump we saw addressing the Saudis and Israel was a diplomat of the highest skill. He condemned what needed to be condemned and encouraged what needed to be encouraged. He spoke truth to power in such a way that the powers that be were forced to agree with him.
And this is not, of course, the President Trump the media outlets have led us to believe is the real President. They have created a dishonest caricature via their biased coverage. And, unfortunately, the average American is too perceptually challenged to see it.
So, even if the media corporations were limited to the individual contribution of $2700 they would still have an inordinate influence on the vast majority of Americans who allow the media to do their thinking for them.
And thus the need to reinstate the Equal Time doctrine.