True, but my desire to support the organization meant more to the ED than being strictly insistent that if I was going to participate, I participate through UW.
Years and years ago in another life, I worked for an employer who gave me a UW pledge form to fill out and I declined. They thereupon raised my salary the requisite 1% and proceeded to take it out of my pay so they could brag they hpad 100% employee participation in the fund drive.
Way back in '63, I think it was, I was a 2nd John in the US army, & I was designated the "United Way" rep for my company.
I had all good intentions to do a jam-up job in this endeavor.
HOWEVER, at a planning meeting with the UW reps we were instructed to turn in a list of those who "declined the offer to contribute."
The purpose of this, we were told, was so that "these soldiers would be given another opportunity to contribute."
At that point I decided to do the absolute minimum I could to garner ANY contributions for this friggin organization.
Donated to them before this instance, and, had I not been in on the planning stage here, may still be - but none since then.
So much for volunteer donations!!!!!!

Oh!! One other thing - they had the audacity to "SUGGEST" how much you should give as "YOUR FAIR SHARE"!!! One more nail in the coffin of their credibility IMHO.
Democratic (party) principles in full bloom here, though I did not recognize the political implications back then.