As a Primitive Baptist we shun the thought of a man wearing such a title. Knowing the bible:
never refers to any of the Apostles or such as "Reverend"
“Psalm 111:9 says, ‘Holy and reverend is his [God’s] name.’ It is therefore wrong to apply to man that which belongs exclusively to the Lord.”
When I see that someone is designated "Reverend" I think that the person has been "ordained" i.e. designated as member of a body as authorized to represent the body. Thus a "reverend" would both be educated to the sanctification of other leaders of the body, and undergone an examination by an ordination committee.
If we look back to the OT usage, the word translated "reverence" is a verb, and therefore when used as an adjective it points to someone who "fears" God. So in that sense, it could be used just as servant or minister is used, someone who strives to please God based on their love and devotion to God.
In Lev. 19:14, 32, and 25:17 we are admonished to "fear God" thus one who fears God could be said to be reverend.
In Exodus 1:17, we see midwifes who put their lives at risk because they "feared" God.
And in Proverbs 3:7, we see that the fear of God is accompanied with turning away from evil.
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