Romans 1 says they 'know God' and clearly see, and understand his divine attributes and eternal qualities. It says they understand God's revelation of himself. It says this is why they stand without excuse.
Calvinism says they can't even understand anything spiritual unless they are born again first. Calvinism says they can't know God or understand any of his attributes unless the Spirit discerns it for them. How do you all deal with this?.....
I'm not speaking for the Reformed folks, but I'm fairly certain there would be general agreement with me amongst the PBs.
You're 'hung up' (as are Reformed people in general) on head knowledge, i.e. correct understanding as the key that is essential in order to acquire eternal life. This comes from your preconceived notion of gospel means regeneration. This is wrong. It's not about head knowledge, it's about the nature of the heart and the deeds that spring forth from it.
Throughout Romans, Jews and Gentiles are lumped together while contrasting them at the same time, especially in chapters one through three. Much of chapter one is condemning the idolatrous Gentiles, while much of chapter two condemns the self righteous Jews who judge the Gentiles from their law while being guilty of the same transgressions as the Gentiles who have not the law. But God is no respecter of persons, and it's not the hearers of the law but the doers of the law that are just before Him:
6 who will render to every man according to his
7 to them that by patience in
well-doing seek for glory and honor and incorruption, eternal life:
8 but unto them that are factious, and obey not the truth, but obey unrighteousness, shall be wrath and indignation,
9 tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that
worketh evil, of the
Jew first, and also of the
10 but glory and honor and peace to every man that
worketh good, to the
Jew first, and also to the
11 for there is no respect of persons with God.
12 For as many as have sinned
without law shall also perish without the law: and as many as have sinned
under the law shall be judged by the law;
13 for not the hearers of the law are just before God, but
the doers of the law shall be justified:
14 (for when Gentiles that have not the law
do by nature the things of the law, these, not having the law, are the law unto themselves;
15 in that
they show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness therewith, and their thoughts one with another accusing or else excusing them); Ro 2
So then, it didn't matter whether one was of Abraham or not, or of the Mosaic Covenant and had been a hearer of the law or not. It mattered only what deeds you had done, whether they were good or evil, and these deeds came by nature of the heart. This is why the third chapter opens with the question:
What advantage then hath the Jew? or what is the profit of circumcision? 3:1
...which is answered here:
Much every way: first of all, that they were intrusted with the oracles of God. 3:2
who are Israelites; whose is the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises; whose are the fathers, and of whom is Christ as concerning the flesh, who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen. 9:4,5
Take note,
eternal life was NOT one of the advantages the Jew had over the Gentile.