This is not the American way! It is not even civility at its best. All this is, is sour grapes and more of the same from the radical liberal left who have been anything but gracious in defeat.
My opinion of that fat @$$ Michael Moore has never improved since he crawled, or creeped on the scene years ago. The world would truly be a better place without people like him, but he is here to stay and all I can do is pray that his efforts blow up in his fat little jawls he calls cheeks.
What are your thoughts on the likes of this deplorable pice of human waste? And can any one honestly tell me that has Trump lost, he'd be organizing protests (like a frind of mine has said he would)?
Personally I hope Moore and the whole lot of them are arrested, and the key is lost.
This is not the American way! It is not even civility at its best. All this is, is sour grapes and more of the same from the radical liberal left who have been anything but gracious in defeat.
My opinion of that fat @$$ Michael Moore has never improved since he crawled, or creeped on the scene years ago. The world would truly be a better place without people like him, but he is here to stay and all I can do is pray that his efforts blow up in his fat little jawls he calls cheeks.
What are your thoughts on the likes of this deplorable pice of human waste? And can any one honestly tell me that has Trump lost, he'd be organizing protests (like a frind of mine has said he would)?
Personally I hope Moore and the whole lot of them are arrested, and the key is lost.