Again, I wish you had a faulty memory, but you don't.Then why do it?
I did not admit to trolling. I told you what I meant.
You complained that @Revmitchell was getting stupid and Tim Scott was getting "too Black" for your taste.
I use humor and/ or sarcasm as a way of backing away from things (and people) I find distasteful. That you can't recognize sarcasm when you read it is on you, not me.
I did not say Tim Scott was too black for my taste.That is a blatant lie. (Yep,bayou provoked me to saying it. Report it to Salty. You got what you wanted.) You know it is. I said "he is now a lot blacker than he used to be." IMO He used to intentionally try to behave as a stereotypical white person. Now that he is a public figure, he has changed again. The fact that he changes at convenience is why I don't trust him. I don't like southerners who talk like Yankees. I don't trust people from Charleston who try to lose the Gullah accent. I don't trust anyone that tries to act like what they are not.
Race is not a factor in who I support. I am supporting Walker and Jones.
The statement about Mitchell was limited to one particular issue of DNA sequencing, Not him in general. You know that.
You did admit you liked trolling and provoking, especially Rev Mitchell.
Give me one example of me trolling you. Again, you are having fantasies of grandeur.
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