People (regardless of their position about the 25 covid vaccines in use) risk opposing God when they dictate to others what they should do.God used one of the most brilliant scientists whom He has Redeemed to guide the work on the vaccine and ensure its quality. That Christian is Francis Collins. God gave him the skills and the team to help save millions of lives and you oppose it.
Second, God has ordained the vaccine be used and has moved governments to provide the vaccine.
Honestly, you are opposing God's work when you oppose the use of the vaccine. Why such pridefulness, Rev?
I suggest you stop watching godless tv shows.
And you are right that the vaccines are from God. I
I was asking, not equating your objection to anything.Is not the world heralding this cv jab?
Can you sit through a 30 minute television broadcast without an admonition to "get the shot?"
I can abide with a "your decision" position on the cv jab. I will reveal what is when that position crosses the line into abject coercion.
What IS ... the world is promoting the cv jab. Even the pope is promoting it.
and you again are errantly equating my objection to the one relative speck in the eye promoting the criminalization of anyone taking the cv jab.
So ... proof is in the pudding.
I believe that the vaccines are God's gift, but this also depends on the convictions of each person.
Before being vaccinated I considered the studies but I also prayed about the issue. God convinced me that it was appropriate for me to be vaccinated. Reading Scripture I realized that God is a God of means and any advancement is God gifted. His blessings fall on the good and the wicked alike (Matt. 5:45). So I was obedient in getting the vaccine. And God used this obedience to provide opportunities to minister in my community.
This is not to say those who reject vaccines are being disobedient to God. I do not know what God has called them to do.
But saying the world supports vaccines therefore they are of the world and not of God is flawed. The world also urges people to aid the our and to help the suffering. I see these commercials on a daily basis (more than commercials advocating a vaccine). And God has commanded the same.
To declare a person worldly or disobedient to God for being vaccinated, or for not being vaccinated, is foolish.
The "proof is in the pudding". God used my obedience to be vaccinated for His Kingdom, to minister to people during the "lockdown".
I am not saying God has not also used your decision to reject the vaccine as an opportunity to minister. I would love to share in your experiences if you would be willing to share.