Overreaction to the reaction to their initial action
I thought now might end up being a time we might see some justification for all this stuff said to be needed to protect "the people," but I hear store owners are having to rely on themselves and their own weapons for protection as law enforcement rolls right past.
What gives? What exactly is their point in having the additional help and equipment? Self-protection? I haven't read everything so I may be missing a lot. That idea just really stood out in my mind as not sounding right when I saw the business owners and read what they are saying.
Unfortunately, Gina, this is simply the case of "Overreacting to the [community and politics] reaction to their initial actions"
This is what law enforcement calls, "Walking on egg shells!" Think about it? The police did what they were trained to do! And then, from the President on down, they are told they acted to heavyhanded, and for their heavy handed tactics, they were being benched in order to see how the Highway Patrol would hadle the situation, in a more professional way!
Local LEO's have riot classes all around the country, and all the LEO's are trained and retrained in the most current forms of handling a crowd that has become unmanageable, near riot and looting. As for the change in uniforms, it has been a subject of chatter and concern for several years, or longer, about the dress and tactics being used throughout the United States by the police and sheriff's departments.
I honestly believe the tactical commanders in Ferguson assessed and reassessed what was happening, and felt the course of action they took was called for. So they deployed in force, to quench the fire of civic unrest.
However, as we see, the politicos and top brass along with Obama, felt there was way too much force used, and called for a change. Note, the term "Change" is one of Obama's key words to everything he does?
So, overnight, a democratic POTUS called a democratic Governor and probably demanded that the state get control of this situation ASAP.
Remember, the Watts riots and other riots in the 60s, 70s and 80s when the governor would have called out the State National Guard to quell the riot and regain peace.
One of the driving reasons behind making the cops look more military like including equipping them with gear that is a step up from what they normally us, had to do with the politicians and top brass not wanting to involve guard units. So they trained and equipped the cops!
Fifty years ago, we would have seen the guard on the streets of Ferguson, and they would have been all intimidating because of their uniforms and weapons.
Any ways, back to what you mentioned, seeing owners have to protect their property from looters and vandals, last night; it my opinion that the Ferguson PD was told to tread lightly and even allow looting, so long as no one was being threatened or in danger.
Don't forget, it was just a few days ago, that the Governor removed the PD and brought in the Highway Patrol. This was a slap in the face to a proud group of men and women who trained for what they faced, and were then told they overreacted. So, coming back out Friday night to quell another night of anger and looting, meant the cops knew they were being closely watched by media, citizens with cameras, and the FBI, Highway Patrol, and DOJ.
Think back to a time when you were working; called into the office and strongly reprimanded, and told to get back out there and not make the same mistakes? I know I'd feel as though the world was watching my every move, and therefore, be somewhat intimidated to not be the cop that makes the civic unrest grow even worse.
The Ferguson PD will be more tentative once they are allowed to go back into that area of their town and police the streets. No one wants to take the life of another person, and no one wants to be referred to as the whiteman who suppressed and killed a black man.
And it is for this very reason that I questioned pulling the police force off the streets and let the HP police the streets. It makes for an awkward situation when the HP leaves, and they have to return to policing. As I said, no white cop wants to be the focal point of another crisis involving a white shooting and killing a black! I imagine the FPD will walk like they are on egg shells, for a long time to come!
As a Postscript to this, let me say how angered I was to watch on television looters carrying all they could carry out of stores and cops standing helplessly by, in order to not make the situation any worse.
And while I believe the LEOs are out of control, the maority of our LEOs are excellent men and women, and they take pride in the motto to "Serve and Protect!" I just think that until this is all wrapped up neatly and given back to the Chief of Police, as a pretty little pacage, the FPD will not be the unit they once were. It is hard to work under the all seeing eye of media, politicans, and a black community waiting for the cops to make one more mistake!
That is my very long response to your extremely short post! I hope it helps!:thumbsup: